
Showing posts from May, 2021

What Does It Mean in Terms of Playing with Dogs?

Playing with other dogs may be a beneficial social experience for dogs in all stages of their lives. Our dogs' socialisation requirements shift when they get older, and puberty is no exception! Our dogs' adolescent socialisation encounters may have a long-term effect on their attitude toward dog-dog play. Here's what you should read about early adolescent dog-dog play: Other dogs will begin to treat your dog differently as time goes by. Your puppy's "Puppy Pass" will lapse between 5 and 6 months. When it comes to dog-dog relationships, dogs will continue to keep the puppy to a more adult level of appropriateness. What exactly does this imply? • Typical puppy habits that were formerly accepted by adult dogs, such as chewing at tails, ears, and cheeks; setting paws on other dogs' shoulders; recklessly charging into others; plenty of muzzle licking, etc., can now evoke a mild to moderate correction instead. • These corrections may be frightening f