
Showing posts from March, 2022

When is virtual dog training is a better choice

  Many dog owners are unfamiliar with the notion of virtual dog training, and it's a popular belief that it's less successful than in-person training. While in-person training has its advantages (such as being with you and your dogs!, the truth is that virtual training is superior in a number of important ways. This is how you do it: In the natural condition, your dog's trainer is able to observe your dog's behaviour. You may not get to watch your dog's typical behaviour with you and the trainer, for example, if they are physically present in your house. For dogs, the presence of an outsider is always going to have an effect on their emotional state and behaviour, whether it's a positive one or a negative one, depending on how the dog reacts to the new person. Your dog learns to tune in to your voice with in-home dog training in NYC via your laptop. It is possible for your dog to get distracted by the presence of trainers, even if they are a terrific source of

Virtual Dog training helps with Body language Confusion

  There's no misunderstanding of body language here. As the primary trainer, you may be confident that your dog will get used to your body language, rather than that of your trainer. When we provide a command or cue to our dogs, we frequently don't understand how many different messages we're sending them. The instruction to sit, for example, is an example. When we say "sit" to our dog, we may assume that this is the only thing that causes him or her to lower their rump. It's not only our voice that rises an octave; it's our hand that rises, our arm becomes limp, and our posture stiffens. A lot of the time, our dogs aren't really paying attention to our spoken cues at all; instead, they're responding to one of the numerous accompanying body language adjustments that our dog has learned implies "butt down." You may not be able to get your dog to sit the same way as a trainer since these adjustments are so personalised and subtle. Your dog